Marketing marketing
(prelekcja w języku angielskim)
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Marketing should be one of the key strategic competencies in every company. But today, marketing is increasingly seen as a sales support function, where efficiency metrics are seen as more important than profit and value creation. It is time for marketing to rise to the challenge and demonstrate how marketing must be effective before it becomes efficient, and how it can drive profit, not just sales. This is a task for everyone in marketing, irrespective of whether you are a client, communication agency, research provider or media owner. Marketing needs to measure and demonstrate how it adds value to the business – and in order to do so, we need to agree on what those key measurements are, and how we should talk about our contribution in ways that senior management can relate to. It may seem like a tall order, but thanks to industry-wide cooperation and joint efforts in the field of Marketing Effectiveness the Swedish marketing industry has set some examples we can learn from and be inspired by.
Mats Rönne

Marketing Effectiveness Expert
Swedish Advertisers' Association

Mats Rönne is a Swedish marketing veteran who has worked across most sectors of the industry. As a client, he has been head of global brand management at both Ericsson and Electrolux, CMO for the residential business of Skanska and for the digital magazine app Readly. Mats also has considerable media experience, mainly from the magazine publisher Bonnier, and from various creative and media agencies. For the last 15 years, he has been an independent consultant, or „brain for hire” as he calls it. In this capacity, he is the marketing effectiveness expert for the Swedish Advertisers´ Association and has been responsible for the development of its Effectiveness System, which has become a de facto industry standard. His other current assignments include chairing the Swedish JIC for outdoor media and advising the Swedish Football Association on developing and evaluating the value of sponsorships and partnerships. However, his true claim to fame is perhaps that he has seen the Sex Pistols play live.